onsdag 27. juni 2012

Today's outfit!

Hey! Long time no see woooow!! But, this weekend i'll move home till my parents place for the summer, wich i'm not looking forward to at all, but that's life!! So i think i'll have lots of more time to blog etc. Anywho.. In about 20 min i'm going to Kristiansand to hang out with Marita<3 I wanna check out shoes maybe... Because i don't have any shoes that really matches my outfits..

So, today's outfit first!

 My lovely sweater from H&M, new skirt i bought yesterday from H&M, tights also from H&M i think.. And kneehigh socks from Ginatricot!
Lovely glooves<333 And new bracelet wich i bought yesterday! LOVE IT<3 Haha, and a new ring i also bought yesterday<3
I also bought this skirt yesterday! They had Sale, it's dangerous!

And this sweater.. I've wanted a basic black tight sweater for sooo long, finally bought it!  And well, not the best pictures, i can take new pics later! I took those pics last night so it was pretty dark and that makes my webcam quality EVEN worse!! So yea, i got to go now really, so i'll update this later^^

søndag 17. juni 2012

Ayee again! It has been raining on and off like lots today!!!! And suddenly i saw a rainbow<33 it was SUPER nice!!! The colors were sooo visible! looook, i took this with my webcam! crazyshit haha..
Lots of sun here...
A lil less sun here!

I have "re-sewed" my bikini!! Ofcourse i forgot taking pics before i started, but it looked like this... Not the pattern, the figure smth!
And NOW it looks like this :D
I'm proud i made it haha, thought i'd fail but i didn't ^^

New hair!

Hey! Wow i'm super bad at blogging on here!! I have some stuff to blog about todaaay! Yesterday, i bleached my hair! So now i'm blonde again!! Here's some pics before and after^^
 I'm sunburned!!
 Yea this pic i took last night, NIGHT, so the lightning wasn't very good.. My hair looks yellow because of the lightbuld in my room haha! But today i tried taking some pics in front of my window, natural light! My hair turned out pretty white actually =P

Was in/on phone with sis..!

and i made this awesome makeup 2daay! Purple and yellow ^^
watcha think ?? I liked it ^^ But i don't like my freckles..! lol...

mandag 4. juni 2012

I want!

Hey! I still havent showed you this "surprise" yet... I'm so slow, and, silly! Lol... So, it was that i DID cut sidecut!!! Yeey^^ And i dyed my hair more greeeeen... so yeah
You don't see it that well at this first picture, but you see the green color!
 Here you see it a bit more, but not that much lol
 And Here you see it only a bit...

I didn't have that many pics lol, but, more to come?

Anywho... What i want!!! A friend of mine showed me this italian clothing site-because he's from italy. And oh my gosh i want so much from there! So... I'll just post about 98273928 pics of what i NEED in my closet!

Elizabeth Coat by Burleska
Minx Coat by Poizen Industries
Cord Lace by Poizen Industries
Hooded Lace Bolero by Queen Of Darkness
Corset Hood by Poizen Industries
Lace Star by Vixxsin
Victoria Top by Alcatraz
Flower Lace Corset by Poizen Industries
Top a fascia donna by Hex Vest
Maglia donna by Corded Chest

Long Tattoo Dress by H&R London
Short Beggar by KuroNeko
Corsett by Vixxsin
Chaser Pants by Vixxsin
Net Slash by Queen Of Darkness

Some absolute favourites in the end...
Gothic Jacket by KuroNeko
Cross Top by KuroNeko
Top donna by Meana Vest
Wing Corset by KuroNeko

Annnd some shoes<3
Floral Gothic Boot by Inamagura
Victorian Granny Boot by TUK
Lace Gothic Boot by Inamagura
Stitches Peep Toe by TUK

Yeah, anything you liked? I want alll of this, then i'd be in heaven^^ But i'm not, and i don't have any of those :C I don't even think i'll ever be able to afford those etc... The website is called  Www.emp-online.it So check it out ;) It's italian, but it's not hard to figure out how it is (; Think logic! Haha...