onsdag 27. juni 2012

Today's outfit!

Hey! Long time no see woooow!! But, this weekend i'll move home till my parents place for the summer, wich i'm not looking forward to at all, but that's life!! So i think i'll have lots of more time to blog etc. Anywho.. In about 20 min i'm going to Kristiansand to hang out with Marita<3 I wanna check out shoes maybe... Because i don't have any shoes that really matches my outfits..

So, today's outfit first!

 My lovely sweater from H&M, new skirt i bought yesterday from H&M, tights also from H&M i think.. And kneehigh socks from Ginatricot!
Lovely glooves<333 And new bracelet wich i bought yesterday! LOVE IT<3 Haha, and a new ring i also bought yesterday<3
I also bought this skirt yesterday! They had Sale, it's dangerous!

And this sweater.. I've wanted a basic black tight sweater for sooo long, finally bought it!  And well, not the best pictures, i can take new pics later! I took those pics last night so it was pretty dark and that makes my webcam quality EVEN worse!! So yea, i got to go now really, so i'll update this later^^

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