mandag 9. juli 2012

Spiders everywhere

Hey! I'm having serius hickups OUCH.... Hehe! Wich means, my whole body "jumps" and it hurts and i feel sick after a lil while... I hate it. But i'm used to it, almost... I seriously have hickups every single day! But it's not always this bad... Still, i hate it x) And yea i know it sounds weird etc, and i did go to a doctor and asked if this was really normal or... Yea. And she said, it shouldn't be anything dangerous if i didn't have hick-ups constantly. And i don't, i have small "periods" or something haha.

SO, spiders omg... It lives 10+ spiders outside my window!! It's crazy.. And i'm serious, i've counted them several times. They're both big and small. Some live on my window, others on the wall, and most of them on an antenna? Thingy...  And now, the worst part... One of the big ones, a "middle" sized one and a small one has found the way in! YAIKS.... Sooo, the big one is in my roof. Heh, very nice really yea-no. Mum thought it was dead, it sat on the same spot for a day. And earlier today(Kind of yesterday because now it's 3.15 am, hehe wops) Aaaaand, yea now it's back in the roof again.. Damnit! AND it's allive! I'm going to diiiie...

So, that's kind of what i had to say. To update a bit more and stuffss... Sooo. cya!
I'll hopefully be better at blogging from now, it's boring not only to others but to me, because it is fun looking back at what i did and pics i took-outfits! Stuff like that.. Yup!

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