onsdag 8. februar 2012

Hoy there!

Hey! I havent been updating for sooo long! BUT, i've got some news. I have cutted my hair SHORTER! Omg! It's so short now, so yeah, just take a look (=
Hihi, I love it. As you see it's short in the back and a bit longer on the sides. And I have pink on the right side of my head, the pictures must be wrong...   Because when i look in the mirror it is on my right side(!) LoL..And one more thing, i did all this myself!! Cutted it first, and then dyed it purplle and pink!
Soo, yess. I don't think i have more to share with you... At least I will try to blogg more! Haha, have been a bad blogger lately O.O

Yepyep, cya (=

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