søndag 12. februar 2012

NEW old phone....?

Hooy you guys! Haha, i started on this for about.... 5 hours ago or something, funny that i forgot this... Anyways. I've re-dyed my hair as you know, but here is the result(=

Well, you can't really see the pattern very good. But it's there! Haha.. It shows more in real life. Also you can see my nose piercing, last thorsday i could change it if i wanted to, but i didn't think of it. BUT, i was stupid enough to take OUT the piercing, and "pluck" on the.. Eh, hole, haha.. Ehm, soo, it got a bit soar *opsi!* Hmmm, sooo i got some problems with putting it back in. But i made it in the end, euhm... The wrong way! Hahaha! It's funny, it always works for me. If there's an ear-ring i havent gotten through my ear if it is soar or anything, i just put it in the other way first, and then it works fine putting in the right way. LoL... Sooo, anyways, i putted in another piercing, or actually it is an ear-ring. BUT, it's a small cute black one<3 So now it looks like thiss!

Haha, webcam is funfun! LoL, my hair looks like sh*t, sooo i just took some close up photos... Kinda. With a webcam tht sucks.. I had a camera once, BUT it stopped working last summer. And STILL I havent got it back *cry!*
And btw, yes, i made sure the ear ring was clean before i putted it in my nose!

So, new phone... I've had some problems with cell-phones! I had one phone, it broke so i used another old phone untill i got a new one. And when the other phone broke, i again used this old phone till i was getting a new one. Hehe, so, last friday, i was on a bus, and guess whatt... I managed loosing the phone UNDER the bus seat, and i couldn't get it! WOW what a smart ass i am :D
Well, the bus driver said he couldn't do anything yet, waah.. Wellwell. Now i have an old PINK nokia phone. Mum actually bought it new, lol! And i needed a new card for my number-something(I don't know what it is in english LoL) Sooo, yeah. An old fashioned Nokia phone without camera, with funny tones XD

Yeez, hope it'll wake me up tomorroww, now i really need sleep... I must get better at going to bed early! God, it's 4 am already! Hahah, well cya(=

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