mandag 16. april 2012

Still alli.... yea whatever

Hey! I'm so not good at blogging.. But i don't want to delete this blog, lol. I have some new news! On thorsday last week i dyed my hair green, lol... I've been wanting to do SOMEthing with my hair for a long time, at least it feels like a long time. So yeah i dyed it all green!

Not normal that i smile on photos ... I think my sister and i was laughing or smth C: AND i ate those yummy easter chocolate egg, things....! Lol
Looks like this, i love it, but i'm a bit lazy because i don't do my hair like this everyday, wich is sad .. lol

Soo, on tuesday last week, i think it was... Or maybe on monday, wich means a week ago lol. I pierced myself! I pierced a smily piercing... Idk how to explain it really, this
Yahh, soo... I took a needle and uhm... Made a hole LOL, and then i put in another piercing, and actually it's a nose ring hahaha, but i don't like it, it sucks... Anywho, it was a very thin piercing so i got it through. And now today i put in the purple horseshoe i had in my nose, lol, again-yes, i've cleaned it, i cleaned everything i used... Fyi C:
I wont show on a pic yet lol, i have th piercing in, but i couldn't get on the second ball... Uhm, so, it can fall out anytime, i tried for like 20 min or smth earlier today!! It's so small so it's very hard getting it on INSIDE my mouth lol.. So yea, cya!

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