tirsdag 24. januar 2012

I'm allive!

Hey there! Haven't posted anything for a long time now... I've been lazy lol. Badbad! Hahaha... Well anyways. I have something new to show you.. I CUTTED MY HAIR!!! OMG !!! I just did it. I've wanted to do it for sooo long... And now i did it (= It got maybe a biiit shorter than i planned, but, it'll grow! So, i didn't think about taking any before-after pics LoL, so this is the "before" picture i have, weird i know... I don't have any makeup! Just did my eyebrows lol... 

 And BTW i pierced my nose on Thorsday =D Whiii!
Hahaha omg i look like crap! But, my excuse is that it's 5.40 in the morning atm! Sooo, i'll soon go and fix myself for school... I don't want to go to school. But i haaave tooo... I hate school! I barely have friends-not that i really care, but it's sooo boring and it makes me feel like i don't belong there and i DON'T want to go there... And my teacher hates me, at least it feels like that.
BUT, i've been thinking and i want to try to do better at school, like, i just found out my grades and omg... I'm sooo dissapointed in myself! So, i'll try to do better! At least i'll try, and see how it goes. But i should stop giving up hahaha! Sooo... Yeah. That was basically it. 
I reeeally want to dye my hair too, but, idk, i think i'll wait a bit... Maybe i'll do it this weekend? We'll see. I'm not 100% happy with my hair, haha ofc since i did it shorter than planned... But it'll grow! So, i'll maybe "have to" cut it a bit more at the back. Because i didn't really do much at the back... So yeah. Now i'm really just babbeling hahaha! Listening to this lovely song atm! 
OH how i love it<3 AND YES i found out how easy it was putting a youtubevideo in here hahaha, yay.. I think i'll go fix myself a bit now. Cya!

mandag 16. januar 2012


well, weird.. I sometimes think i publish posts but i don't, lol.. so, the two last posts are switched, but i think you got that. Well at least now you do (;

Friday the 13th....

Heeey! I've been a badbadbad gurl! LoL, no, ok, i decide when to blog or not..

Hahaha! Bur i've been bad lately... At blogging ofc! LoL. So, friday the 13th.. Omg where to start!!
First of all i was sick... Then, i got better and better and better =D
Then my friend Trine-Lise came to visit<3 Yay, her mum was so cute, gave her soda and chocolate and something else i don't know what is in english, that we could have hahah! And then we watched a movie, orphan, Esther is so supercute xD And evil, ofc........
Soo, then we watched funny videos on youtube and just chatted allott! So nice hehe. AND, she gave me "a part" of my christmas gift, 30 tounge piercings!! Wow hahaha, like omg, 30... Sooo funny, but, lol, how nice! Took a pic, a bit bad quality but you see them, i hope...
I know i look super weird here..

Anyways. Friday the 13th was gr8 to me, wow! On saturday i was shopping with my cousin, Hanna<3 I bought a LOVELY sweather! I looove it! My new fav<3

Yay, with spikes? Kinda.. I just love it! YUM! It's from carlings btw, it was sale, 70%, and I fell in LOVE with this jacket<3
And on H&M i bought those jeans/tights! LOVE'em!! But i'm super tired now so i'll show a pic tomorrow xD I'm about to faint-supertired! So, g'night haha, cya(=

password here password there

Hey there. I have problems sometimes... Hahaha, i have so many accounts everywhere, that i often forget the password! Haha, and i don't want to write them down anywhere so people could find them and look at them, and hack my accounts. But, i think maybe i should do it soon haha... I always remember the msn password, i have to msn or hotmail adresses so remember them both.. Facebook password, my other blog-fargeklattten (check it out =D) Haha, and my tagged password... and right now i don't remember much more haha. But i aaalways forget my password on here, but i think i'll remember it now, and i always forget my youtube accouont password, uhm i have two of them too.. So, i forget them lol. So yea, sometimes annoying but i've got used to it haha ^^

So, well.. Today i didn't have school, was supposed to look for this job for school. BUT I never find anything, so tomorrow on shool i'll find this teacher(hate him) and get help to find something..
Now i lie in the sofa, with headache. I don't like that! Well, who does, hehe. Hope i'll get better till later, or soon. Then i can go to a mall very close and ask around there. I'm sick of having to look for a job, myself! Blah (x

And i promised a picture of my new jeans, i kind of am too tired to take this picture today too, but, i'll DO it now (x
yaaa! bad pic with my cuuute pillow/plushie <3
Hmm, maybe i should get some breakfast, hehe opsi! Normally i'm good at eaing at right times etc, i DON'T starve myself, as my teacher though and said out loud in the classroom -.- i HATE him! He He He.. I know, "hate" is a strong word, that's exactly why i used it!
sooo, i'll eat crackers with cheese, yum<3 cya!

fredag 13. januar 2012


Haha hay, i've showered now and waited for response from my friend, finally she's coming, can't wait, havent seen her for sooo long! And lol, her mother gave her coke and chokolate to bring, hahaha?? LoL, but, uhm, i don't mind so... Haha.

But ofc, i've forgotten to ask her if she wanted to watch any special movies.. My plan was to download some till she came here BUT whatever, it doesn't take hours so, we'll c .

So yeah, she'll be here any minute noww, kisskiss, cya!


Hey! Wow, yes, i've been cleaning allot today... I'm still kind of sick, but, i guess i could've been to school today HEHE.. But i wasn't. Opsi, well, i'll just tell you now, tat i don't like school at aaalll! Soo sick of it.. Already lol. Anyways, i've done alloot of dishes, and i've been washing clothes and i've washed a table and just cleaning around in my apartment!
It's not only my apartment, I live here with my sister. But she's not here allot, she spends allot of time with her boyfriend... I'm single-still, so, i have a lott of free time lol. We barely get homework at school too so, i normally sit in the sofa eating or watching TV or... Just doing nothing hahaha..
WoW, i'm a sleepyhead! I didn't get out of bed earlier than 2 pm... Opsi, ahah, well, i'm still "sick" so, i slept longer than i usually do.

But i've been a good gorl though, washing and cleaning allot in the apartment!(finally) lol. So, i might get a visiter later, a friend from the other class. I did go to another class before, but it got to diccifult and i didn't think i needed this, so i changed class... So now it's MUCH easier and mostly no homework.. Sooo lovely! But my friend, she has allot of homework, oh poor girl.. Haha(!) But one thing, i actually think it is TOO easy in this class, and, i kind of only have one friend there... I'm very shy, and, i started in their class later so i guess they already had made their "groups" lol... Well i don't care really, i just hate it when we have to work together 2 or more.. Blah!
Well whatever, it's "only" a half year left -.-

So, now i'm listening to music<3 I don't know how to insert youtube vids yet, but i guess i'll find out hehe.
Well, i really don't have much more to say.. I still didn't show u my new haircolor! Whoa

Here i really don't look like myself haha, but thought i was kinda cute(!)

And here i sit on top of the couch... Like, on the, back? Something, so, yeah..
What do you think of my new haaair? I love it ^^ And isn't that what counts the most? I guess so, so, i don't really care what you think, unless it is something positive!
Now i want to contact my friend, didn't hear anything from her since yesterday, needs to know when she will be here ^^

tirsdag 10. januar 2012

new hair again, soon...

aye! I'm dying my hair, again! Hahahaha... Just because, last time i tried having the purple in, it didn't show... just a tiiiny bit but you couldn't see it, soo, i'm trying again. Now i have much stronger color, i did mix in some conditioner to make it not tooo strong, and i had in some pink. I also added a bit purple in my bangs, and on the other side i have pink. You'll see on the pic below. 

Yea, purple on the left side and pink on the right side ^^ I hope it'll turn out cool! We'll see later, and i WILL make a post this time hahaha..
Now i'll take a shower, i think i've had the color in my hair for hooours haha, stopped counting hours lol. I guess i putted it in about 13.00 or something.. LoL, well, the longer i have the dye in the longer it stays! At least it feels like that (;


fredag 6. januar 2012

Dying my hair, again..

Hey! Yes, i've been "gone".... For a bit... No not really. Just lazy O.O Opsi... Hehe! But, i think that there was 2 or 3 posts i didn't post... Two of them was because i didn't have time writing the whole thing and i didn't think of saving it to finish it later... And the third was, i think i closed the window without purpose, and wow, i got maaad... So, i just gave it up and didn't care hehe!
But nothing much happened lately, i  think i was going to tell you i was going to the doctors yesterday, uhm, but i didn't go.. I don't know why, but i just didn't hehe! I'm an angel..

Anywho! Now i'm dying my hairrrr, againnnnn, and DON'T worry, it's not the whole hair.. But i think i told you.. Butbutbutbut, now i've put pink color in my bangs-again, and some liiight light purple somewhere else in my hair, not much at all.. I don't know how to explain it lol, so here's a super sexy picture ogf me right now... (x

HE he very pretty (;
So, now i'll just wait an hour or two and i will(hopefully) make a new post here to show how it turned out^^ Can't wait, i didn't really plan this much, just did somehting haha, i did make a new video, lol, so, i'll try to edit it and maybe post it... We'll see.

tirsdag 3. januar 2012


Hey there. I know, it is super late, it is 2.36 atm! Hehe.. Anyways. I did bleach my hair today, i didn't color it. Just didn't have enough energy to do it.. LoL. Gues it is because i didn't sleep last night either. But tomorrow i've got school, so i hope that i'll fall asleep fast tonight!
But yeah, my hair looks terrible atm too, so, i don't know if i want to publish a photo hehe, my webcam sucks too, i think you can see the difference, but, the quality sucks so... I had a camera once, but it stopped working in the middle of last summer. Very sad! Someone looked at it, and they gave me a new battery. But still, it didn't work! So now i'm waiting, again, it's been half a year now... Kind of crazy. But, i will get a new phone very soon, hopefully in february, maybe hopefully before? At least i WILL share it with you and everywhere else hehe (;

Now i should really go to sleep! 
Good night ZZZzzzzZZzzzz.......

I'm being kind, here's a photo, i didn't fix my hair or anything after i bleached it! Just let it dry, and now it looks terrible haha! Butbut, you can see the color is blooonde, would've wanted it more white, but i can do that another time if i don't like it like this hehe (;
Anyays, i will also color it, but i'm not 100% sure how i want to do it yet. I first of all thought about having my whole hair light light purple, but, why do i wanna do that when i've done sooo much to get it this blonde... I must also learn to wait instead of buying the wrong bleaching... Hehe, but. I've been thinking, and i think i don't want to do the whole hair, but a bit of it. Maybe the bottom(?) of my hair, like, less then half or something. at least i can try that and if i don't like it i'll color it different. We'll see what i do. Now i'll go to sleep!

mandag 2. januar 2012

Wow, I'm so tired...

Hey there! Yes, I am super tired.. But, hehe, i couldn't sleep last night. So it shouldn't be any shock. I actually fell asleep today, so i've slept for about, hmmm, 4 hours, whoa... Well i fell asleep about 7pm and woke up again about 11 pm... I was planning only 1 or 2 hours. Butbut, hope indeed that I will fall asleep later. I need sleep, because tomorrow i'm going to the doctors, i must be awake and, haha, be myself(!) when I'm talking to her.
Something weird and funny is, when i woke up i checked my phone as normal, and i had a new message. It said "Hey, just wondering how you are. Can I call you someday? Kari." That was it. Of course it was in Norwegian, but i translated it the best I could. But, I have no clue who the person is?? Maybe she got the wrong number... I'll send her a message tomorrow again lol.

I havent edited the video yet, I was waay to tired, and i was to tired to bleach and color my hair too, so, no more before tomorrow! 
Here's just two pics temporary (;

Btw, when I was on my way to Kristiansand today, i met a friend, she's in my class^^ She liked my new hair, or, bangs^^ Yay! Then I'm looking a bit more forward to go to school on wednesday!

Good morning sunshines

Heyhey! I've already eaten breakfast and put on allot of makeup(pinkpinkpink!) Hehe, i tried to record it, and i'll  edit the  video later. I'm going to Kristiansand today to buy haircolor. I'm not 100% sure what color I want, but I guess it'll be the purple one. I buy them at Darklands. They have a website, i don't know how to put in links yet, but it is "www.darklands.no" Very easy (=

Anyways, i tok some pictures too so i'll show u them! I also bleached my hair on new years eve, and yesterday i just couldn't stop myself from dying, uhm, the bottom/tip of my bangs pink! I love it^^

What do you think? Hope you like it! Haha, at least I do, and aint that the most important?
Now i'll put on some clothes, you see, i'm still wearing my pyjama! Lol, so i'll see you later hopefully!!(=

søndag 1. januar 2012

Here I am

Hay, this is my first post in this blog. I've wanted to start an English blog for a looong time, and finally I did! I'm looking forward to write here, maybe mostly because I like writing english, hehe! And I hope to get some readers, or what it's called, but of course, I do not expect it at all!
So my little "plan" was to start on January the 1st. And i made it just in time, it's 2 minutes left of the day at the moment.. So see ya!