fredag 6. januar 2012

Dying my hair, again..

Hey! Yes, i've been "gone".... For a bit... No not really. Just lazy O.O Opsi... Hehe! But, i think that there was 2 or 3 posts i didn't post... Two of them was because i didn't have time writing the whole thing and i didn't think of saving it to finish it later... And the third was, i think i closed the window without purpose, and wow, i got maaad... So, i just gave it up and didn't care hehe!
But nothing much happened lately, i  think i was going to tell you i was going to the doctors yesterday, uhm, but i didn't go.. I don't know why, but i just didn't hehe! I'm an angel..

Anywho! Now i'm dying my hairrrr, againnnnn, and DON'T worry, it's not the whole hair.. But i think i told you.. Butbutbutbut, now i've put pink color in my bangs-again, and some liiight light purple somewhere else in my hair, not much at all.. I don't know how to explain it lol, so here's a super sexy picture ogf me right now... (x

HE he very pretty (;
So, now i'll just wait an hour or two and i will(hopefully) make a new post here to show how it turned out^^ Can't wait, i didn't really plan this much, just did somehting haha, i did make a new video, lol, so, i'll try to edit it and maybe post it... We'll see.

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