Hey there. I have problems sometimes... Hahaha, i have so many accounts everywhere, that i often forget the password! Haha, and i don't want to write them down anywhere so people could find them and look at them, and hack my accounts. But, i think maybe i should do it soon haha... I always remember the msn password, i have to msn or hotmail adresses so remember them both.. Facebook password, my other blog-fargeklattten (check it out =D) Haha, and my tagged password... and right now i don't remember much more haha. But i aaalways forget my password on here, but i think i'll remember it now, and i always forget my youtube accouont password, uhm i have two of them too.. So, i forget them lol. So yea, sometimes annoying but i've got used to it haha ^^
So, well.. Today i didn't have school, was supposed to look for this job for school. BUT I never find anything, so tomorrow on shool i'll find this teacher(hate him) and get help to find something..
Now i lie in the sofa, with headache. I don't like that! Well, who does, hehe. Hope i'll get better till later, or soon. Then i can go to a mall very close and ask around there. I'm sick of having to look for a job, myself! Blah (x
Now i lie in the sofa, with headache. I don't like that! Well, who does, hehe. Hope i'll get better till later, or soon. Then i can go to a mall very close and ask around there. I'm sick of having to look for a job, myself! Blah (x
And i promised a picture of my new jeans, i kind of am too tired to take this picture today too, but, i'll DO it now (x
yaaa! bad pic with my cuuute pillow/plushie <3
Hmm, maybe i should get some breakfast, hehe opsi! Normally i'm good at eaing at right times etc, i DON'T starve myself, as my teacher though and said out loud in the classroom -.- i HATE him! He He He.. I know, "hate" is a strong word, that's exactly why i used it!
sooo, i'll eat crackers with cheese, yum<3 cya!
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