onsdag 28. mars 2012

Lana del rey video games

Hoy! I've learned a new song on piano, yay, i learned it so fast! Haha, but it wasn't hard at all... Soo, i tried recording this but my webcam didn't want to? I filmed it all, but when i wanted to watch the video, it just played for 2 seconds and stopped... Weird... Well, this is the song, i guess you all knew it but.. I just love it ^^


tirsdag 27. mars 2012

About todayy

Ohoy! I've been with 2 different friends today actually hehe! Earlier i was with Cecilie, as i said. And now i've been with Trine-lise<3 I really can't remember last time i saw her! Crazy... Anyways she just came home from Germany a couple of days ago, and she had bought me skittles!! Haha aww, yummm ^^

And now i feel a bit sick, because i didn't eat much healthy stuff today! My breakfast was a muffin, WITH chocolate pieces in... Lol. Then Cecilie had chips and she wanted to eat it up, so i "had" to help her haha. And then i ate a donut, with trine-lise, her parents came from the store hahaha. THEN i ate an ice cream! And now skittles... Ohhh, so full, and sick... Hahaha, my own fault! So now i want to eat salad, and hopefully i'll feel better! And later i've got to showerrr.. I think i'm going to school tomorrow, at least try. I'm always bored nowadays! And also todays outfit, wich i really like C:

I have a basic black top, black shorts, and my fav black jacket<3 And the belt is my fav too haha, from germany actually(Berlin) 

And my knee high socks<3 i look so weird... Haha 

And just a small "close up" on my face and stuff, little bow in my hair<3 Haha ok, gotta go shower noww cya!

No candy for a week

Hoy! Today my friend Cecilie is turning 16! So just a small congratz to her, haha ;P Going to meet her later, unfortaintly i don't have a gift yet!! Omg!! Maybe i'll go a bit earlier to buy her something, or i could buy her coffee and a cookie... Haha, we'll see what happens!

Anyways, this "no candy for a week" thing, i made iit! Haha, one week isn't that much, but, at least it's a start! So i may not start again today, hehe, lol,but i will continue sometime and maybe go for a month? Again, we'll see^^ My sister joined me as u know, but she DID eat non-stop(chocolate thing) on ice cream one day... I'd say it'scheating, she didn't think so, but, whatever. It was my little goal and i made it^^ But omg... Next week we have easter vacation, i can't not eat candy then... Haha!
Now i have to fix my hair, put on makeup and go to meet Cecilie, so cya!

søndag 25. mars 2012

very cute and true picture!

I really see myself in this text, hehe! Anyway, my sisters didn't come yesterday, because of different reasons. So i was hanging out with a friend, Heidi<3 I think i was with her aall day hehe. And i was outside with my nephew too, playing, he's so cute ^^ 

Today i was also hanging out with Heidi, we bicycled(?) to a camping place, they have these fun trampolines! haha, but we left after like 10 min or smth because it was boring and there was other ppl there.. Lol. And the weather was LOVELY today tooo<3  Now i'll go shower, cya!

lørdag 24. mars 2012

Sun in my heart

Hoy! Wow, it's such a nice day, sun and barely any clouds on the sky!! So lovely. I'm at my parents place ftw. My mum visited me in Lillesand yesterday, and we walked around and found a house where my grat grandmother lived for like 28 years ago, cool. I drove with mum back home, and we picked up my cuuute nephew at grandmothers pace.

Today i finally got this code to "lock up" my phone! I got a new simcard(?) And i got a new "code" thing.. And ofc i forgot it, and i lost this paper with it on, so i got a new one today. AND i'm still waiting for my new phone to arriivee, i want it noow. They said they might get it in february, in the middle of february they said... Now it's the end of march! They're so mean.. 

I want youuu!

I'm sitting on the veranda, i love sitting outside and just chiill in the lovely weather. My nephew is mad.. Because he wanted to play videogames instead of being outside in this LOVELY weather hahaha... Yeye, whatever. Now he watches tv. What a generation we're in, all children is inside playing videogames or watch tv! Well i'm not 100% sure, but many of them do. I remember, just when I was a kid we were always outside, and it was FUN^^ Like even if it was raining..

Anywho, todays outfit!

My new leopard pattern top/sweater<3 fav jeans<3 and new ring<3 And also a little closeup on my makeup. I was thinking of maybe making leopard pattern to match my sweater haha, but i didn't have time earlier. Maybe i'll do it later? Would you want that?(pls answer x3)

Ok so i have no more to say really. Both my sisters are coming home soon, or later. At least sometime today. Anndd i wanted to share some pics of me and my nephew, he's 4 <33
haha, yeap he likes making funny faces. And i look weird, it's so much sun, my hair melts together with the light behind us! Haha.

torsdag 22. mars 2012


Hahahahaha this is the most funny thing i've seen in ages!

Hahah, scrubs is so funny!

Anywho, i have nothing to say really... I slept over at Cecilie's place last night, because i didn't have school today. But, ofc she had school, so i left at 7.25 this morning, WOW early! But i never have problems at waking up when i'm not sleeping in my own bed lol.. not fair! It was so nice waking up early and go out in the nice weather<3 Cecilie is taking care of her sisters horse, so we went out at 6.40 or smth today and gave the horse-Troll, grass and waterr. Then we ate breakfast.

So yea, i've been up since 6.20 today OMG. And i havent done anything else than sitting in the sofa on my computer since i came home haha.. I came home at 8.30. I kind of want to go OUT and enjoy the beauuutiful weather, but most other ppl is at shcool and stuff... Sooo, i guess you get the picture.
Me and Cecilie was also shopping yesterday, this is what i bought

A lovely sweater i've wanted for aaages!

A jacket, was on sale.. hehe!

Kewl ringgggg, i love it<3

And this super awesome cute bra! I love leopard patternt, AND it's pink, it's like perfect! And sale! woaa

Yeap, a bit about yesterday, later i will go meet my sister on a mall, she works in a makeup thing store(this is the oldest sister, i have two older sisters)

Things i say allott, is :Yeap, lol, wtf, damn, srsly, anywho, and ohoy/hoy/yo... Haha! And i call everyone a "mushroom".. Sounds funny in Norwegian lol.. fyi ^^


tirsdag 20. mars 2012

Makeup video?

Hey there, and good mornin? Yeah i've been awake since about 8-9 today! Wow! Hehe, wan't feeling well so didn't go to school... Maybe i should've but, fuckit. So, anywho. I havent fixed myself  for today yet, so i was thinking i could fix my hair a bit-so i don't look like a crazy ghost. And then i could try to film with my weird webcam-because i don't have any camera... I had one, but it's still not fixed, and it got broken last summer... wtf... Well anyways, i will go fix my hair now, and i may do a small makeup video. I'm very shy, haha, so i will do my foundation and eyebrows first! Haha yeah, cya<3

mandag 19. mars 2012


I know it's spelled "music".. Anyways, in my previous post i posted lots of old photos from my old, or, other computer. And when i turned it on, google chrome hadn't closed, and there were some youtube videos there. I'd listened to some songs a long time ago, because the other computer has SO much better speakers! Sooo, just wanted to share some songs i like C:

Haha, and this "0 candy for a week" thing, my sister misunderstood and thought we were beginning today.. So, yesterday we decided to start today, so we bought candy in a candy store haha! But, i didn't eat candy on friday and saturday.. So yea, beginning today. And no more misunderstanding from now.
And, yes, my friend "blogg"raped me hahaha! And she wrote in norwegian ofc, just google translate it if you're curious..


lørdag 17. mars 2012

My hair through the years

I told you in the previous post that id show you all my hair colors and stuff i've done with my poor hair hehe! One funny thing is i was born with black hair, but as usual it fell off, and my hair grew out white blonde! It was sooo white for a few years, it became more yellow when i was in school. And when i was 13 years, my hair had become pretty dark blonde. Like this!

First of all i cutted bangs(myself ofc haha)

Weird and stupid pic, but the only one i found!!
Then, i dyed it brown, but it became black... But the color became brown after a while.

And thenn i dyed it red/purple-brown-ish x)) Haha. 
After this i bleached my hair and dyed it purple!

While it was purple i cutted my hair a bit shorter.
And then dyedit pink after a month or so.. 

(Took this pic in the bathroom so the lights there made me look yellow...)
Soo, then i dyed my hair brown again, red/brown color.
Hehe, me and my nephew in 2010! This was the most "ok" photo of me and the only one(s) i found hehe!
And theeen i started bleaching my hair!

Very orange in the beginning, but is getting better!
 I added some pink ocf^^
 Kept my bangs so i had to cut away the pink part :O
Then i had to cut my hair, or, my hairdresser said it was smart because my hair was pretty damaged after allot of bleaching... And i also had added some black to my bangs.

I hated it when it was this short! But, it started growing! 
And i added some leopard pattern! But no one really noticed haha x)
Yeah.. And then, i dyed half my hair green!

And cutted bangs... again...!
After 3+ months i got tired of green and bleached my hair again! Plus i added a bit pink<3
Y U SO BIG?? ... Well, anywho, i added more pink and purple after a while

THEN i cutted my hair short! After wanting short hair for a very long time.. Sooo yea, and i dyed it purple, and am now blonde!(=
SO that was it! now i'm tired and my chest hurts because i'm having hickups...!! I seriously have them every single day! Sometimes it only is one hick, and it's gone. Other times it's 2-5 hicks, and then it's gone. Other times i have hickups for ever! And it hurts in my chest after a while, or, i feel sick-stomach hurts, OR my clavile starts hurting too... Haha! I actually asked my doctor if this was dangerous, but she said it's not dangerous if i don't have it 24/7, *puh*
And yea this was a "long" post, but it's allot of pics so, hope i didn't bore you to death? Hehe.


BestFriend (heart)

Hoy there! I'm home home this weekend, wich means at my parents place. But i kind of only went home because i had to look at some papers for a school i want to go to next year! Hope i'll get there, because i may get to go to Rome! Anywho, my nephew is here too^^ He's just the cutest ever haha. He is 4 years btw <3
Yes, i ate him...  And, yes, i had green hair! Or, only the front part of my hair, i'll make a post later about how many haircolors i've had. Don't you think we look alike? Hehe!
So, earlier today, a friend visited me, i can't remember last time i saw her really... Last year sometime? WoW!! I think it was in october or november, i met her at this club thing... Anyways, that's SO goddamn long time ago! She has to come visit me in my apartment sometime! I miss her already.. But, i'll be seeing her tomorrow again^^ Can't wait<3

The funny thing is, i knew who she was, for 1 year+, because we were in the same school for one year. I'm two years older than her. But i never contacted her or became closer or anything. And then, when i'd finished school there, we just started talking one night(I didn't sleep that night hahah!) in summer vacation 2011, and we had so much in common, makeup-hair-nails-etc! And so she just asked me if i wanted to hang out sometimes, and i said "yea sure", and BAM, we became bestfriends^^
But unfortaintly i moved away so we don't see eachother much.. *cry*
Here's some pics from today. Haha, we were in the bathroom all day!

She's holding a mario mushroom shoe.... XD

Haha we're crazyy, and btw, i didn't dye my hair tips, it's hair mascara. And, she's just so beautiful, i envy her ;O I hate my fat cheeks, small eyes and small lips........ aaahhhh!!

Yeayea, later i went out with my sister and a friend, or... "friend" Hehe, lol. My sis interwieved us for a school project ^^ Funny! I looked stupid as always<33

Maybe there'll be some more professional pics tomorrow, IF the weather is nice, because me and my friend A(don't think i'll say names lol) will take pics, and she'll borrow her dads camera, Wii!
Well that's it for todayy, cya!

fredag 16. mars 2012


Hoy! Yes i promised a picture of my hair styled, but i didn't have time in the morning! So, here it is! And i hate how i look in "natural" light, so i do change some light and colors in the pic, hehe!

Yea i look stupid whatever i do^^ So anyways, i had my hair like this all day, so it has kind of fallen together a bit.. It was a bit cooler in the morning.. Yeayea, i guess i'll do my hair like this for a while, sooo, there will probably be more pictures in the future (;

Soo today i went to school. But i was talking to some assholes(ops!) for so long i didn't have time for any class O.O I only had math, but i lost mathclass anyways... Yeayea. Can't wait for next school year, beginning over, new school, new plACe-kind of, and new people! And maybe a new me? I do not wanna be the shy girl who don't say anything anymore, NO! Soo haha, i'll do my best to not be shy and be friends with many people (;

Okok, i don't really have anything more to say, so cya tmrw!(=

torsdag 15. mars 2012

No candy for a week!

Hey! I didn't go to school today, because overslept.. I was supposed to be there at 12.30. I woke up when my sister left at 7.30, but ofc i fell asleep again.. And i did have alarm at 8.00 on my phone, but did it ringggg? no! Stupid phone... And then i actually woke up at 10.00, but how did i manage falling asleep again?? Damn.. Haha, yeah, done is done. I got a message from a teacher, and i said i overslept, so i'll be going there a bit earlier tomorrow then i usually do. But yea, it was "ok". Anywho, i didn't fix my hair, so, no pics for you today.. But tomorrow i'll show you before i go to school, i promise! (x

Soo.. No candy for a week! I just love chocolate way to much, hehe! Guess i'm not allone... I don't live at home, i live in an apartment with my sister, so we eat whatever we want. But i do eat helthy stuff too, i love fruit and vegetables, and pasta. I'm a vegeterian, so i don't eat any kinds of meat. But i eat milk products.
So, i've been thinking about stop eating so much candy, i asked my sister if she wanted to join me not eating candy for a week, but this is just the start. I'm sure i'll update a bit about it everyday. Maybe i'll countinue another week, i guess we'll need some breaks haha but i really need to stop eating candy every day, *opsi*
I already ate a small chocolate today, damn.. but, starting from now! And btw, this "deal" doesn't include ice cream and soda, because i don't look at that as candy, don't you agree? And i don't eat icecream everyday, and i  don't drink soda everyday (;

Chocolate Flower
Goddamn i will miss you! I really liked the rose chocolate! Pics from google.
Wish me good luck! And i've been thinking about maybe making some makeup videos, not sure, i'm pretty shy etc.. We'll see, cya!

onsdag 14. mars 2012

outfit ftw

Hey! Wow, bad at updating as always.. Ok, so, first of all, school is shit.. Hehe, ops, but i mean it ... 
Anyways i had a gr8 weekend! A friend of mine was visiting me<3 She came with a train on friday, and my sister left the apartment so we had the place alone! She's one of my very close friends, and there's not many of them.. So it was pretty sad when she left on sunday... *cry* She also live far away, so we don't meet much.

I havent been doing much the other days... Was at the mall on monday with another friend- a close friend<3 Haha, I only bought knee high socks, i'll show you later because it's in my outfit today.
And now it's wednesday.. What did i do today, i was lucky enough to be sick..! *yay* My stomach have been hurting aaall day, hate it! And the worst is, we didn't have any painkillers... So i slept most of the day. 

And then it's time for outfitttt! Nothing special, but i just love this jacket-thing.. haha ^^

With cute flower buttons<3

The new socks, they're actually a bit longer, but i liked them more this short... I don't know how to explain but i guess you know what i mean! (;
And i also wear a shorts, but you can't see it really, it melts together with the top, wich also is a bit long..

I've cutted my bangs, as you see it's longer in the middle, kind of gothic bangs, i love it! But i don't really think it fits me when i have this short hair, maybe it looks better when i style my hair a bit more. I'll do that tomorrow, and i'll try to remember to show you!
Yea, i'll go to sleep now.
